How to Create A Blog on Blogger: A Complete Guidance

blogger guidance techtunity google blogspot blogger new feature help and guidance

Eve Covid 19, there hosted tons of blogs and websites newly. Now also runs well as its migration to an online platform, as it all runs in printed or not. It means that Covid 19 also affected the media as well. I know some magazine is stopped printing and started online platforms instead. Here is the guidance for blogging as it’s a completely free form Blogger and WordPress. But here we are going to Blogger guidance only as it is a Google product and completely unlimited hosting storage is also available. 

The first thing is that Blogger and Blogspot are the same as it hosting providers and domain service providers and products of Google. We can set up a custom domain instead of, but there is no need for another hosting platform.

What is blogging

Blogging is something like writing that inform about something and more. A blog is a site for a fixed or targeted audience with tons of information, for example, Techtunity is a tech blog mainly focused on blogging, SEO, Trend of technologies, and more.

A blog may be run by an individual or a group, most of them are focused on one niche, and there is a general blog as well. There can create posts that are updated to blogs and information to readers or visitors.

We can set up on the blog as a recent posts, popular posts, by labels, by tags and other set up as well. A niche of a blog is very important that it can make a fixed targeted audience other than a general blog.

There are many bloggers; who targeted fixed audiences with different purposes. Such like as

  • supportive for their business with guidance and support like software or online tools and purchase platforms for example Microsoft Blog as complete guidance for users in Microsoft products, or GoDaddy blog as complete guidance for users and host as well in domain niche.
  • General guidance like technology, for example, Techtunity is a guidance platform for SEO, blogging supportive, it is completely free for all. They're much more guidance blogs like travel, health and etc.
  • Some of them are blogging to show their writing skills, SEO skills, design skills or management skills as well, for example, student blogs.
  • There are some also used to share their opinion and sound such as political blogs, religion blogs, etc.
  • Supportive for social cases with live and non-like news portals, magazines and etc.
  • Making money online with ads on blogs, and affiliate marketing. Here to note that the mentioned purposes also use ads to run normally or for profit as well.

Why Blogger

Advantages of Blogger

  • Easy to manage compared to other blogging platforms even WordPress.
  • As a google product, is easy to ingrate or plugging of google product.
  • Fast indexing, google Console and google analytics.

Disadvantages of Blogger

  • Only support XML files or extensions for theme
  • Limited layout option, setup, keyword and therme
  • There is no plugin other than google products or limited in comparison to other blogging providers.
  • Losing traffic, if not running with timely updates.

How to create a blog on Blogger

Here, is the guidance to create a blogger that is completely free, we need a Gmail account or business email address.

Create a Gmail account

Go to the browser just search for, open it

These two options there, create an account or sign in

Click on Create an Account, if you do not have one

Type every required field, your name last and first, username, password, date of birth, and gender, sometime you may ask for a mobile number as mandatory.

Tap on continue or create an account. Now created a Gmail account.

Gmail account is completely free with 15 GB drive storage, with other products.

How to create a Blogger

Here, is the guidance to create Blogger, with a Gmail account, we can also create a Blogger account with a business email as well.

Go to


Go to the Gmail option dashboard, where Blogger can also find click on them. If not found it, there is also an option to add it. check on the downward of the Dashboard.

Click on Create Your Blog

Then login with Gmail or Business Email

On the create you may ask blog title, domain address, choose a theme, and others. It also can be changeable and updated. Click on the create blog.

Now you completed the basics of Blogger creation.

You can set up a custom domain for Blogger read here

There are options on the left dashboard such as posts, status, earning, pages, layout, theme, and setting.

On the posts, you can see the published posts or drafts.

Here is also a New post option to create new posts

Click on the new post option to create a new post, and make a post, here you can add text, images, links videos, and more.

Here you can make posts with HTML or compose a model if your wish.

The post preview, label set, schedule or time setting, locations, permalink, and comments are also editable on the post. We can also disable the comment and set up a custom permalink.

YouTube video emending option available on video option. On the new updates on blogger, alt Image and image titless are also available for the new version of Blogger 2020.

Then publish or update the post


  • On the status tag, you can see the views of our blogger on the time base, and date base like now, last 24 hours, last seven days, last month, and years. Find more, country-based audiences and views like the USA, UK, and Morocco.
  • Search engine-based views like Firefox, and Chrome.
  • Views on mobile or desktop.
  • Source of links or visitors like Facebook or direct.


Here is the google AdSense platform to drive your blog to profit with google ads. There can see the AdSense option to connect AdSense and make. If you already connect to AdSense then you can delete the account here. How to make more money with google AdSense read here


On the pages, there are the published pages or drafted ones. And create new pages also there with the New page option.

You can add text, images, links, videos, and more, and the features of posts are also available on the pages.


Layout is the look of blogger's site, it manages the gadgets, navigation, pages, post appearance, columns or ads look and all.

On the bar option, can add more gadgets and also delete gadgets here.

There are many gadgets like contact forms, images, Html or Java, AdSense, and more. We can simply add a contact us form or page for bloggers.


The theme is a very important one to catch something, keep reading the blog as it is a good-looking one.

On the tag, can find more themes and choose one of them. Here theme preview is also available and also can find is it mobile-friendly or not. we can also use the external theme for blogger; restore or back up read more here.

Why we set up a mobile-friendly theme for blogs,  make it more visible in SEO and good look at mobile.

The CSS function like color and background is available on the theme tag.


On the settings, more options are available to manage the blog, here we only guide some of them.

The Basic section allows for the management of the title of the blogger, blog description, and search engine visibility.

On the favicon, can add new favicon you wish, as it now appearing the blogger favicon there. So there to upload a new favicon with a square more preferable.

The author invitation or making new admin set up also there with invite new author, pending author, deleting author, make author admin, and more.

We believe that you are happy with this article as a basis for Blogger, if you feel any doubts or advanced level, please touch us through the contact us page, and we will reach you as soon as possible.

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